Gilbert, AZ Insurance Agents • Freedom Insurance Agency

Welcome to Freedom Insurance Agency

We are Arizona’s home for its insurance needs. We serve the Gilbert, AZ area with a full range of insurance policies for your home, business, and recreation.

At Freedom Insurance Agency, we make it easy to bundle your insurance so you can obtain all of your necessary policies in one place. Our insurance agency offers:

Why Shop Freedom Insurance Agency?

Our locally owned and operated insurance agency offers a local contact point for all your insurance needs. By purchasing from us, you have a local agent to speak with, so you can ask questions, explore other insurance options, and add to your policies.

Instead of phoning a toll-free number, you can stop by a local office or call us. You buy insurance from a neighbor in Mesa instead of a nameless stranger at a corporate insurance site.

Using a local agency makes filing a claim easier. We live in the same area you do and can service your claims quickly.

You can stop by to talk about life’s significant changes, like getting married, having a baby, or when your children become teens and require their own auto insurance. When you open a business, we can help you determine which commercial policies you need. That way, you won’t buy glass insurance when you need a boiler policy.

Contact Freedom Insurance Agency

Contact Freedom Insurance Agency in Gilbert, AZ today to learn more about the insurance policies we offer. Let us help you insure your Arizona home, business, auto, and recreational equipment. We can create a custom bundle of policies for you that addresses your needs and reduces your liability while protecting your Arizona property.

Call us today at 480-277-0995 or get a quote today through our online rating tool!