Mold Remediation After Your Residence Is Flooded

Flooding can lead to mold growth within your residence. By taking the proper measures, you can minimize or even prevent mold growth altogether. Use the guidelines provided below to assist you in your efforts.

Quick Response

Responding quickly to flooding is crucial. A swift response will ensure that the proper authorities are dispatched to your residence in good time. Acting promptly also allows you to get your insurance claim filed quickly. Once an insurance adjuster assesses the water damage, procedures to process your claim will commence.

Drying Process

A mold remediation team comprises licensed professionals trained to diligently dry and clean surfaces affected by a flood. The drying process is a vital step that must be handled thoroughly.

These professionals utilize specialized drying equipment to dry textiles and other porous materials affected by a flood. Large items that need to be dried may be transported to a facility managed by the remediation team.

Cleaning Process

The mold remediation team will employ cleaning procedures to disinfect surfaces that became saturated during the flood. The cleaning process involves using commercial cleaning agents and mechanical equipment, which are perfectly safe in a domestic environment.

Inspection Process

During the insurance claims process, your claim assessor will outline the inspection steps that will be taken at the end of the mold remediation process. If mold is detected in your home, an assessment of the premises will be required. This assessment will determine if it is safe for you and your family to return home.

More Assistance

Should you have any questions about the remediation process, don’t hesitate to contact an agent at Freedom Insurance Agency. Our agents serving Mesa, AZ, will be more than happy to offer guidance.

Why Flood Insurance Is So Important

Everyone should have flood insurance because of the unpredictable nature of flooding. Many people don’t get flood insurance because they have the wrong idea about where their flood protection should come from. However, if you own a home, you need to get this policy to protect the investment that you’ve made in your home and your belongings. When you need insurance in Mesa, AZ, call us at Freedom Insurance Agency.

Home and Flood Insurance

Many people don’t think about getting flood insurance because they assume their home insurance will pay for flood damage. However, home insurance doesn’t cover this type of disaster. If you have home insurance but no flood policy, you’ll have no coverage for the extreme damage that floods can cause. Flood insurance is backed by the government through the National Flood Insurance Program. This keeps funds available to policyholders who have damage from a flood so that you don’t have to worry about that. 

Flood Zones

There are many areas that are designated as flood zones. These are often rated with the amount of time that is average to have in between floods. This may be 25 years, 50 years, etc.  Often, these areas are beside bodies of water or prone to certain geological conditions. When a home is inside a flood zone, homeowners often seek out flood insurance. However, those areas are not the only ones that flood. Among flood claims, about one-fifth of them come from outside any flood zone. If you don’t go through the National Flood Insurance Program and get your flood policy, you could be surprised by a flood that causes excessive damage to what you own. 

Get Flood Insurance

If you don’t have a flood policy, it’s time to get started. Give us a call at Freedom Insurance Agency in Mesa, AZ.

Are Floods Common in the Arizona Desert?

The desert is a harsh environment, especially when it comes to weather. The lack of trees and other vegetation can make it difficult for plants and animals to survive in the desert. However, some plants have adapted to the harsh desert climate and can survive on the occasional rain shower.

Some areas of the Arizonan desert can flood during monsoon season. Freedom Insurance Agency in Mesa, AZ is here to give you the information you need to understand our region’s flooding risks.

When is the monsoon season in Arizona?

Monsoon season in Arizona typically lasts from July to September, though the exact timing can vary from year to year. The monsoon season is caused by the movement of moisture from the ocean toward the land, which is called onshore wind.

This wind brings moisture from the ocean and causes the region to get rain and thunderstorms. The monsoon can cause flooding in some parts of Arizona, but not all areas will get rain during the monsoon season.

How often do floods happen in Arizona?

On average, our state gets about 40 to 100 floods annually. Most of these floods are caused by heavy rains during the monsoon season. Flooding can also be caused by snowmelt during the winter, where snow at higher altitudes causes water to run down the mountains and into the valleys.

Arizona’s experienced 116 severe floods in the last ten years. Most of these were flash floods instead of river floods. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) defines a severe flash flood as one that causes damage or injury to people or property. In the worst cases, a flood is designated "catastrophic," meaning that the danger is imminent and is likely to cause death or severe injury.

Contact Us Today

As you can see, even though we live in a desert state, flooding is still a significant problem in and around Mesa, AZ. Flood insurance is not part of a standard homeowners insurance policy. Reach out to Freedom Insurance Agency today to find out more.